Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Good day at school. Lots of chatting and smiles. Still watching This Little Robot today I think I have the theme song memorized now. Mav took a nice long nap at Mamma's today then played outside a bit.I called the orthopedic Dr back today since they called and left a messege yesterday saying the DR wants to reschedule Mav's appointment sooner then we already had because of the concerns that the Developmental Dr had about the walking, legs and feet issues Mav has been having.So we will be going back in May to see what he has to say and what is going to happen with all that.I'm trying not to think about it too much cause I get all stressed. It's so hard to see him go through what he goes through but he is such a trooper and keeps that smile which helps make it easier for me. He is just Awesome and we are lucky to share this journey with him.
till tomorrow~

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