Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Dude is feeling better today. His tummy is rumbling lots but he's not vomiting thank goodness but he is still feverish. Laying around alot.He ate some jello and toast today his drink of choice Gatorade is coming in handy it's keeping him hydrated.We are keeping track of his blood sugar levels since the developmental specialist suggested to. His levels were low yesterday and high today. Gma(my Grandma) is a diabetic so she is giving advise on what to do and when to be concerned which we are this weekend with the numbers he has been having. it's a good thing Gma has a few different kinds of tester and gave us one so we didn't have to buy one (they are pricey). We are going to keep him home from school tomorrow and hopefully he will be up to going back on Tuesday when Teagan goes to school.
On a Awesome note even though Mav has been sick we have heard the following words :
wet,thank you, mine, please, welcome,what doin,the abc's, 123's,you ok?,sorry,boots,coat,bath
(he said these in his own way but we knew what he was saying the sound was similar to the above words)
we were so excited doing the happy dance hearing those words!
Thanks for reading.

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